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Checkout Page Emulator

πŸš€ Checkout Form Emulator​

To experiment with your checkout styles or transactions in real time, go to the Deets Sandbox Checkout Emulator:

Sandbox Checkout Emulator:​

Sandbox Pay via Checkout Form This checkout form connects to our sandbox environment, you can test transactions without payments being processed. For cards that can be used, refer to the list below.

Production Checkout Emulator​

Production Pay via Checkout Form This checkout form connects to our production environment. Transactions will be processed and cards will be charged if you use this form.

How the Emulator Works​

  • Live Updates: Any styles or parameters you pass will be reflected in the emulator’s checkout page right away.
  • Debug & Iterate: Easily spot layout or styling issues and fix them before going live.

πŸ›  Simulated Card Responses​

Use the following test card numbers to simulate different transaction scenarios.

Card NumberCard BrandSimulated Response
371449635398431American ExpressSuccess
4404040404040404VisaInvalid credit card number
4909090909090909VisaIssuer bank timed out
4828282828282828VisaCard limit exceeded
4616161616161616VisaInsufficient funds
4535353535353535VisaIssuer cannot locate bank