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🎨 Styling the Checkout Page

Deets allows you to fully customize your checkout experience to align with your brand. You can modify colors, fonts, borders, and placeholders to create a seamless and visually appealing payment flow.

The styles object allows you to define the visual aspects of the checkout form. Below is an example configuration:

const styles = {
backgroundColor: '#ffffff', // Background color of the form
inputColor: '#000000', // Text color inside input fields
inputBorderColor: '#cccccc', // Border color of input fields
inputBorderWidth: '1px', // Border width of input fields
buttonColor: '#007bff', // Primary button background color
buttonTextColor: '#ffffff', // Button text color
buttonBorderColor: '#0056b3', // Button border color
buttonBorderWidth: '1px', // Button border width
fontSize: '16px', // Default font size
fontStyle: 'normal', // Default font style
labelFontSize: '14px', // Label font size
labelFontStyle: 'normal', // Label font style
buttonFontSize: '16px', // Button font size
buttonFontStyle: 'normal', // Button font style
borderRadius: '4px', // Rounded corners for form elements
buttonBorderRadius: '4px' // Rounded corners for buttons

🔗 Passing Style Parameters to the Checkout URL​

You can pass style configurations directly into the checkout page URL:

🚀 Final Thoughts​

By customizing your checkout page styles, you can: ✔ Ensure brand consistency with custom fonts, colors, and borders.
✔ Improve customer experience with a clean and user-friendly interface.
✔ Easily test configurations using the Deets Sandbox.

Ready to go live? Start integrating Deets today and create a visually appealing, secure, and seamless checkout experience! 🚀