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Get Merchant by Id



Use this endpoint to view information about a specific merchant.


There are no request parameters for this endpoint.


Path Parameters

    merchantId stringrequired

    The unique identifier of the merchant being searched.

    Example: xxxxxx

Header Parameters

    Authorization string

    appToken created by /auth/token Format: Bearer xxxxxx...

    Example: Bearer <appToken>






    A key for grouping different types of API data. See Objects for more information.

    id string

    Merchant Identification string for Digitzs.

    type string

    The type of transaction. This value must be "merchants".



    A key for grouping identification and payment information.

    accountType string

    The type of bank account (Checking or Savings).

    accountName string

    The first and last name of the account holder.



    A key for grouping personal information.

    firstName string

    The merchant’s first name.

    lastName string

    The merchant’s last name.

    email string

    The merchant's email address.

    dayPhone string

    The merchant’s daytime contact number.

    eveningPhone string

    The merchant’s evening contact number.

    birthDate string

    The merchant’s date of birth.

    socialSecurity string

    The merchant’s social security number.



    A key for grouping personal address information.

    line1 string

    The personal street address.

    line2 string

    A second line for street address information.

    city string

    The city where the individual is located.

    state string

    The state where the individual is located.

    zip string

    The postal code where the individual is located.

    country string

    The three-character country code.



    A key for grouping business information.

    businessName string

    The legal name of the business as registered.

    ein string

    The Employer Identification Number (EIN).



    A key for grouping business address information.

    line1 string

    The business street address.

    line2 string

    A second street address line.

    city string

    The city where the business is located.

    state string

    The state where the business is located.

    zip string

    The postal code where the business is located.

    country string

    The three-character country code.



    A key for grouping banking information.

    bankName string

    The name of the financial institution.

    accountOwnership string

    The valid values are Personal or Business.

    accountType string

    The type of bank account (Checking or Savings).

    accountName string

    The first and last name of the account holder or the business Name.

    accountNumber string

    The financial institution account number. It is required if boarding with the primary bank on file.

    routingNumber string

    The bank routing number. This is required if the payment method is checking or savings.



    A key for grouping server and timestamp information.

    ipAddress string

    The IP address used for the transaction.

    emailVerified boolean

    A true or false value.

    emailVerifiedTimestamp string

    The date and time the email was sent.

    signature string

    The first and last name of the customer.

    signatureTimestamp string

    The date and time the transaction was authorized.

    termsAccepted boolean

    A true or false value.
